The Milk Boost Blog
Relactating – When You Change Your Mind About Weaning
Andrea Tran RN, BSN, MA, IBCLC I once got a call from a desperate mom who had just returned from a vacation in the Carribean. It was the first time she had been separated from her seven-month-old breastfed baby. She didn’t want to wean yet, so she had planned to...
The Best Lactation Snacks You Can Buy
Written by Andrea Tran RN, BSN, MA, IBCLC Breastfeeding moms are busy people. They are also hungry people. That’s not surprising. It takes a lot of calories to grow a person! But what a feeling of satisfaction you get when you look at your baby. How empowering is...
How To Choose The Right Breast Pump For You
Andrea Tran RN, BSN, MA, IBCLC I often get calls from moms asking for help in choosing a breast pump. There is a dizzying array of breast pump choices. It is easy to understand why it makes women feel overwhelmed. In order to choose the breast pump that is right...
What Is a Good Latch And Tricks To Successfully Latch
(How about “It’s All About That Latch”)? Andrea Tran, RN, BSN, MA, IBCLC Getting a good latch when you start breastfeeding is not only important; it is essential. Understanding what a good latch is, and knowing tricks to a successful latch is even more important. ...
Top-Rated Breastfeeding Necessities Every Mom Needs
There are some very important breastfeeding essentials that make life much easier as a new mommy. Breastfeeding can be stressful, complicated, painful and rewarding. There are some top products on the market now, that breastfeeding mommies can use to increase milk...
Breastfeeding Basics for First Time Moms
The breastfeeding basics for first-time moms that will save newmommies stress, frustration and low milk supply. This post is written by Andrea Tran, an RN, BSN, MA and IBCLC. She has been working with breasetfeeding mamas for over 25 years, and has some very...
What Is Power Pumping and How To Be A Power Pumping Boss
Power pumping is a technique many mamas use to boost their milk supply, and ultimately get more milk stored up. When power pumping, you start with 10 minutes of pumping, then take a break for 10 minutes. Start pumping for 10 minutes, then break for 10 minutes. This...
How To Produce More Breast Milk When Pumping Without Hating Your Life
You can produce more breast milk when pumping, without beginning to hate your life or feel trapped to a machine with some simple tips and tricks that actually work. These are the tips our mother network actually found that worked for them, as well as our expert...
7 Ways To Increase Your Milk Supply – Fast (tested and proven)
We are milk supply experts, and we put together a list of tested and tried methods to increase your milk supply quickly. This means that you can expect a quick increase in your supply when you really need it. Sometimes your supply needs to increase for your baby,...
New Breastfeeding Mamas
7 Ways To Increase Your Milk Supply – Fast (tested and proven)
We are milk supply experts, and we put together a list of tested and tried methods to increase your milk supply quickly. This means that you can expect a quick increase in your supply when you really need it. Sometimes your supply needs to increase for your baby,...
Exclusive Pumpers + Pumping Mamas
How To Choose The Right Breast Pump For You
Andrea Tran RN, BSN, MA, IBCLC I often get calls from moms asking for help in choosing a breast pump. There is a dizzying array of breast pump choices. It is easy to understand why it makes women feel overwhelmed. In order to choose the breast pump that is right...
What Is Power Pumping and How To Be A Power Pumping Boss
Power pumping is a technique many mamas use to boost their milk supply, and ultimately get more milk stored up. When power pumping, you start with 10 minutes of pumping, then take a break for 10 minutes. Start pumping for 10 minutes, then break for 10 minutes. This...
How To Produce More Breast Milk When Pumping Without Hating Your Life
You can produce more breast milk when pumping, without beginning to hate your life or feel trapped to a machine with some simple tips and tricks that actually work. These are the tips our mother network actually found that worked for them, as well as our expert...